Brand Style Guidelines

Brand guidelines or a brand style guide is the document containing information about a brand’s purpose, vision, mission, values, positioning, proposition, story, history, philosophy, culture, promise, brand architecture, customer personas and messaging etc. together with defining the rules of strategic and visual brand asset management and usage in the context of language, technical mechanics, printed materials, design and online application etc.

Every brand style guide has a central brand theme from which all other parts expand. This central theme is a consistent program of visual and verbal identity which is essential to drive not just brand recognition, but brand preference. The logo and style guidelines help unify the brands communications and make them a clear, strong, consistent message at all touch points.

Some of the typically items included in a brand style guide are as follows:

  • Brand Philosophy, Positioning, Story, Values, Promise etc.
  • Brand Color Palette
  • Brand Fonts & Typographic Hierarchies
  • Brand Logo Size, Position & Clearance
  • Grid Systems
  • Brand Design Theme
  • Brand Packaging Design & Application
  • Paper & Print Specifications
  • Brand Online Usage, Design, Deployment & Application
  • Brand Vehicle Livery Design & Application
  • Brand Collateral Design & Application
  • Brand Exhibition Stand Design & Application
  • Brand Advertising Design, Application & Deployment
  • Web Applications
  • Key Brand Text Messages & Descriptors
  • Photography and/or Illustration Style, Composition etc.
  • Brand Application Checklist